Winchester Town Day – WHGC pop-up booth sale

Since we could not have our annual Spring Plant Sale this year, we thought we would have a Pop Up Shop during Town Day! We’ve secured a booth and will pull together some special items for sale. This will be a smaller event than our Spring Plant Sale, but it will be a fun way […]

Festival of Wreaths

We are happy to say that the Festival of Wreaths will be returning this year and we have decided to keep it virtual.  This year we are adding a bit of a twist to the event.  We are inviting designers to design/decorate live wreaths, table top trees and table top centerpieces as well as an […]


We are happy to say that the Festival of Wreaths will be returning again this year and we have decided to keep it in the virtual form. This year we are adding a bit of a twist to the event. We are inviting designers to design/decorate live wreaths, table top trees and table top centerpieces […]


We are happy to say that the Festival of Wreaths will be returning again this year and we have decided to keep it in the virtual form. This year we are adding a bit of a twist to the event. We are inviting designers to design/decorate live wreaths, table top trees and table top centerpieces […]


We are happy to say that the Festival of Wreaths will be returning again this year and we have decided to keep it in the virtual form. This year we are adding a bit of a twist to the event. We are inviting designers to design/decorate live wreaths, table top trees and table top centerpieces […]

Festival Of Wreaths Preview & Tickets

Buy tickets & preview: Annual “Festival of Wreaths” which once again will be held virtually.  All proceeds benefit the WHGC’s continued support of beautification of our Community. Raffle Tickets Purchased Online Winner’s Drawing Dec. 1st